
S&Ds lead majority to oppose right wing’s efforts to legalise austerity in the EU

Mardi 27 novembre 2018

Communiqué de presse du groupe S&D

Today, S&D Euro MPs rejected a conservative proposal aiming at transposing blind austerity and strict fiscal rules – the so-called Fiscal Compact – into the EU treaties during a vote in the economic and monetary affairs committee. The S&Ds dismissed false arguments from the European Peoples Party (EPP) on the community method and called for a revision of the Fiscal Compact rules in favour of socioeconomic upward convergence.

The Fiscal Compact imposes stricter fiscal discipline on the member states of the euro area according to which national budgets must be in balance or in surplus. Should governments deviate from the set budgetary objectives, automatic sanctions would be triggered.

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EU summit: The deal delivers an orderly Brexit. Now it is time for the Parliaments to have their say

Dimanche 25 novembre 2018

Communiqué de presse du groupe S&D

Following the approval by EU heads of state and government of the UK withdrawal agreement and political declaration on future relations, S&D Group leader Udo Bullmann and S&D Group spokesperson for Brexit Roberto Gualtieri said:

“Today is a crucial step towards the UK leaving the EU. It is now up to the UK and European Parliament to scrutinise both documents in detail and vote on them. Our group has always considered Brexit a historic mistake and a decision that can be reversed if the UK was to change its mind. However, we have worked in a responsible way to ensure that the withdrawal of the UK from the European Union would happen in an orderly manner, minimising its negative consequences.

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Bullmann: Now is the time to deliver on the reform of the Eurozone

Vendredi 16 novembre 2018

Communiqué de presse du groupe S&D

Ahead of a special Eurogroup meeting next Monday, S&D Group leader Udo Bullmann urged EU finance ministers to act and deliver on the much needed economic and monetary (EMU) reform.

Udo Bullmann stated:

“For years, we have been discussing the need to strengthen the Eurozone. There is broad agreement across the political spectrum that the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) needs to be equipped with tools to prevent and resolve future crises. Now it is time for the Council to act.

“The socialists and democrats have set out clear priorities. We want to pursue the reform of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) and transform it into a European Stability Fund. We call for the establishment of a Eurozone budget through the adoption of the Commission proposal for a European Stabilisation Function that is amended to re-insure national unemployment benefit schemes in cases of severe crises.

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A deal is done, what next?

Mercredi 14 novembre 2018

Communiqué de presse du groupe S&D

The S&D Group takes note of the agreement that has been announced on the terms for an orderly withdrawal of the UK from the European Union.
Leading S&D MEPs stressed that it is now essential to scrutinise the details of the text and assess it on the basis of the principles that our group and the European Parliament have been defending from the outset of the negotiations; in particular the protection of citizens’ rights and safeguarding the EU’s social, labour and environmental standards.

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Parliament appoints Andrea Enria as Chair of the Supervisory Board of the ECB

Mardi 20 novembre 2018

Communiqué de presse du groupe S&D

The Socialists and Democrats backed Andrea Enria’s appointment as the new head of the ECB Banking Supervision today during a vote in the economic and monetary affairs committee. If approved by the Parliament and confirmed by the Council, Mr Enria will succeed Danièle Nouy as Chair of the Supervisory Board on 1 January 2019 for a non-renewable five-year term. The European Parliament will finalise its approval during the mini plenary in Brussels on 29 November.

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S&Ds: By refusing to modify its budget plan, the Italian government destroys its credibility and mutual trust in the EU

Mercredi 14 novembre 2018

Communiqué de presse du groupe S&D

Following the decision by the Italian government not to change its budgetary targets, despite the possibility of EU sanctions, the vice-president of the S&D Group, Mercedes Bresso, stated:

“The Italian government has decided to put itself on a head-on collision course with the European Commission, confirming the budgetary targets put into question by the Commission. An irresponsible decision, in clear violation of European rules, which jeopardises not only the economic stability of Italy, but also the savings of many Italian citizens. A sterile and dangerous arm-wrestling that weakens all those trying to improve the EU fiscal framework by means of rational arguments.

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S&Ds: EU urgently needs effective minimum taxation, and to put an end to impunity for money laundering

Mercredi 14 novembre 2018

Communiqué de presse du groupe S&D

Ahead of the publication of the report of the special committee on financial crimes, tax evasion and tax avoidance next week, the Socialists and Democrats are calling for an urgent minimum effective taxation for multinationals and a ban on golden visa schemes in the EU. The draft report will present the findings of the committee and a number of recommendations to fight tax crimes, evasion and avoidance in the EU. The S&Ds have been leading the battle for fairer taxation and against corporate crime in Europe.

S&D Group vice-president & co-rapporteur in the special committee on tax, Jeppe Kofod MEP, stated:
“Diverging national rules and loopholes are enabling large-scale tax fraud, money laundering and VAT fraud that cost EU member states billions of euros in lost tax revenue every single year, as the recent revelations on the CumEx files and the Danske Bank scandal have shown. The VAT gap alone is estimated at upwards of €147 billion a year.
“The draft report of the special committee on tax points to a number of patterns, loopholes and weaknesses in the European anti-money laundering and tax regimes, that enable money laundering in the EU.

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L’éducation est essentielle à la réalisation des objectifs de développement durable

Mardi 13 novembre 2018

Communiqué de presse de la Délégation socialiste française

Le Parlement européen a adopté aujourd’hui le rapport de Vincent Peillon sur l’aide européenne au développement dans le domaine de l’éducation. Les eurodéputés socialistes et radicaux félicitent leur collègue pour le travail accompli.

Nous devons le rappeler sans cesse : l’éducation est essentielle à la réalisation des objectifs de développement durable. Elle conditionne les progrès dans de nombreux domaines : la santé, la démocratie, le développement économique, ou l’égalité hommes/femmes.

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Economie d’énergie et lutte contre le dérèglement climatique : l’Europe va de l’avant !

13 novembre 2018

Communiqué de presse de la Délégation socialiste française

Le Parlement européen a validé aujourd’hui le résultat des négociations sur le « paquet énergie ». Les eurodéputés socialistes et radicaux se félicitent de ces textes législatifs ambitieux.

Le dérèglement climatique est là ; ses conséquences dramatiques se font chaque jour sentir de façon plus violente. Les tragédies se multiplient, que ce soit la répétition des épisodes cévenols, des tornades, ou de la sécheresse extrême qui provoque, comme en ce moment, des incendies dévastateurs en Californie. Il faut agir.

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S&Ds back innovative instrument to help start-ups and SMEs access finance more easily

Lundi 5 novembre 2018

Communiqué de presse du groupe S&D

The Socialists and Democrats voted today in favour of crowdfunding – an innovative funding instrument- to enable start-ups and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the EU acquire necessary capital for projects. The S&Ds strongly support innovative business and funding ideas, especially for projects based on new technologies.

Crowdfunding provides an alternative to bank lending for enterprises that face difficulties when trying to collect financial support for a business project. The collection of financial support is managed via internet-based platforms.

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