
Gender fairness needs strong commitment without playing games

Jeudi 14 mars 2019

Communiqué de presse du groupe S&D

The Socialists and Democrats take gender equality seriously: with the nomination of Philip Lane as a member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank (ECB), José Manuel Campa as chair of the European Banking Authority (EBA) and Sebastiano Laviola as number two of the Single Resolution Board (SRB), gender balance has once again not been respected. The S&D Group will therefore refuse from now on to consider any list of candidates that does not give women their rightful place.

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Progressive forces in Europe promote gender balance – S&D frontrunner for equality

Mardi 12 mars 2019

Communiqué de presse du groupe S&D

The European Parliament held in Strasbourg today a high-level debate in plenary at the request of the S&D Group on gender balance in EU economic and monetary affairs’ nominations. The imbalanced and unsatisfied situation for women in Europe and in particular for top EU jobs has been discussed with Council and Commission. On Thursday, a resolution of the European Parliament will point out a strategy to overcome this ongoing inacceptable discrimination.

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S&Ds condemn conservative give away towards the finance-industrial lobby

Mardi 12 mars 2019

Communiqué de presse du groupe S&D

The S&D Group voted last night in the economic and monetary affairs committee against a narrow-gauged liberal-conservative proposal on the establishment of a framework to facilitate sustainable investment, while the Greens abstained as well as the EPP rapporteur. This regulation should establish the conditions and the framework to gradually create a unified classification system (‘taxonomy’) on what can be considered an environmentally sustainable economic activity in Europe. It is the last and most important so-called third pillar of the sustainable finance package, together with benchmark and disclosure where the legislation is already adopted. This needs to be a first and significant step in the efforts to channel investments into sustainable activities and to integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors in a progressive manner.

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Les propositions des principales familles politiques européennes analysées par l’Institut Delors

Lundi 11 mars 2019

Note de l’Institut Jacques Delors

Cette troisième note élaborée par le groupe de travail, présidé par Pascal Lamy, président emeritus de l’Institut Jacques Delors, et composé de Christine Verger, conseillère de l’Institut Jacques Delors, Jean-Louis Bourlanges, député français, Thierry Chopin, conseiller de l’Institut, Monica Frassoni, co-présidente d’un parti européen, Valentin Kreilinger, chercheur au Jacques Delors Institut – Berlin, Alain Lamassoure, député européen, Alessia Mosca, députée européenne, et Geneviève Pons, directrice du bureau de Bruxelles de l’Institut Jacques Delors, et de moi-même, fait partie d’une séquence qui a débuté par la publication le 25 octobre 2018 de la note « Quel hémicycle, quelle Europe ?.

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Sans partage des risques, la zone euro est menacée de chaos

Vendredi 8 mars 2019

Interview parue dans Revue Banques n°378

Si la création d’une garantie européenne des dépôts – pilier manquant de l’Union bancaire – a pris un important retard, elle fait actuellement l’objet d’efforts renouvelés : un groupe de haut niveau a été mis en place. Quelles sont les chances de ce groupe de débloquer la situation ? Pervenche Berès, membre du Parlement européen (groupe S&D), fait le point sur l’ensemble des dossiers concernant le partage des risques.

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Socialists and Democrats fight back against gender imbalance in EU top job appointments

Mercredi 6 mars 2019

Communiqué de presse du groupe S&D

The S&D Group strongly calls for a new era in the method of appointments in all EU and national positions. With the nomination of Philip Lane as a member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank (ECB) and José Manuel Campa as Chair of the European Banking Authority (EBA), the gender balance has once again not been respected. S&Ds initiated as a driving force from the very beginning an amendment on gender balance in the economic and monetary affairs committee. The S&D Group asks for a resolution to be adopted next week by the Parliament to demand a change in the procedures to ensure gender equality, and invites the other political groups to join this resolution.

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S&Ds fights against money laundering – special hearing

Mercredi 5 mars 2019

Communiqué de presse du groupe S&D

S&D Euro MPs will call for an ambitious EU list of third countries at a high-risk of money laundering during a hearing with Commissioner Věra Jourová later today. The special meeting has been convened at the request of the S&D Group. The Socialists and Democrats are raising concerns over the plan of EU members states to reject the latest proposal of the Commission to add 11 countries* to the list. The joint meeting will be held with members from the committee on civil liberties and the committee on economic and monetary affairs.

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Une nouvelle victoire dans la lutte contre la fraude et l’évasion fiscales

Mercredi 27 février 2019

Communiqué de presse de la délégation socialiste française au Parlement européen

Aujourd’hui, la commission spéciale dédiée à la criminalité financière et la fraude et l’évasion fiscales – dite TAX3 – a adopté le rapport marquant la fin de ses travaux. Ce vote marque un succès du camp progressiste puisque plusieurs recommandations concrètes concernant la lutte contre l’évasion et la fraude fiscales, la planification fiscale agressive, la lutte contre le blanchiment d’argent, ainsi que sur la protection des lanceurs d’alerte et des journalistes ont été approuvées. Forts de cette victoire, les élus sociaux-démocrates poursuivront la bataille sans relâche pour que la plénière adopte des propositions encore plus ambitieuses.

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Droit d’auteur : une étape de plus franchie en commission des Affaires juridiques

Communiqué de presse de la Délégation socialiste française

La commission des affaires juridiques (JURI) a adopté aujourd’hui, par 16 voix contre 9, la réforme du droit d’auteur issue des négociations entre le Parlement, le Conseil et la Commission et validée par les représentants des Etats membres le 20 février dernier. En effet, le 13 février après quatre ans d’âpres discussions, un texte de compromis avait été trouvé, dont les députés socialistes et radicaux français avaient salué le résultat.

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S&Ds abstained on the agreement on the pan-European personal pension product without a real European dimension added value

Mardi 26 février 2019

Communiqué de presse du Groupe S&D

The Socialists and Democrats in the economic and monetary affairs committee abstained today on the vote on the provisional agreement resulting from negotiations between the Council and the European Parliament on the pan-European personal pension product (PEPP).

Pervenche Berès, S&D Group spokesperson on economic and monetary affairs stated:
“Despite major achievements reached by our Group on consumer protection, we cannot agree on the package done by a liberal-conservative majority. We are concerned about the secondary role of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA), which was even lowered by the Council during the negotiations. The main tasks for authorisation of this new pan-European tool will remain in the hand of national authorities. This cannot be considered this as a real European product as it was proposed by the European Commission and that the Socialists and Democrats were willing to strengthen.”

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